ISA 6.0.3 (English)


This is a copy of the current version of the Information Security Assessment questionnaire that will be the basis of TISAX Assessments starting later than 2024-04-01. This document is officially published by the VDA. Further information and the original download can be found on the VDA website. Please note that assessments ordered before 2024-04-01 can still be performed with ISA version 5.

TISAX Participant Handbook


This handbook applies to all TISAX processes that you may be part of. It contains all you need to know to run through the TISAX process. The handbook offers some advice on how to deal with the information security requirements at the core of the assessment. But it does not aim to generally educate you on what you need to do to pass the information security assessment.

Upcoming Version of ISA (ISA 6.0.1) changes to 5.1.0 Version


This is a copy of the current version of the Information Security Assessment questionnaire that highlights all changes made between ISA 5.1.0 and ISA 6.0.1. This version is published for your information only. For use during assessments, please download the official version. ISA 6 will be the basis of TISAX Assessments starting later than 2024-04-01. This document is officially published by the VDA. Further information and the original download can be found on the VDA website. Please note that assessments ordered before 2024-04-01 can still be performed with ISA version 5.

TISAX Participation General Terms and Conditions


The TISAX Participation General Terms and Conditions is the legal contract between the ENX Association and the company, who wants to become a TISAX participant. Every company who wants to participate within TISAX needs, to accept the TISAX Participation General Terms and Conditions.

Simplified Group Assessment


An addendum to the TISAX Participant Handbook for TISAX participants with many locations and a centralised and highly developed ISMS. It contains all you need to know to run through this special assessment process.

TISAX Participation Price List


This document is the official price list for TISAX Participant related fees. It contains all fees related to the TISAX Assessment Scope registration and TISAX participation.

VDA ISA Archive


The ISA archive contains historic versions of the ISA used for TISAX Assessments started before 2018-12-13. The currently valid version can be found above.