With this short news article, we want to show some of the new features added with this update:
- TISAX assessment objectives wizard
- Associate multiple location in a TISAX scope by uploading a CSV file
- Request change to modify the locations or objectives of an approved TISAX scope
- Change your company primary contact
- Delete Locations
- Committee page
- Renew TISAX scope
- Company short description
We hope you appreciate our effort to improve the portal with every update. Beside the new features, we are working on the user experience. Some pages have already been updated, others will follow.
If you have any suggestion, please use the feedback page.
TISAX assessment objectives wizard
We introduced a wizard to help TISAX participants selecting the correct TISAX assessment objectives in their TISAX scope.
To use the wizard you need to:
- Click on "Select Assessment Objective"
- Click on "Open objective wizard"
- Follow the wizard's steps.
Associate multiple location in a TISAX scope by uploading a CSV file
We introduced an upload functionality to associate multiple locations to a scope at once by using a *.csv file.
To use the upload functionality you need to:
- Click on "Add Location"
- Click on "Open upload window"
- Upload a CSV file containing only the location-ID of the locations you want to add to the TISAX scope.
Request change to modify the locations or objectives of an approved TISAX scope
We added the possibility to request, to add and to remove objectives or locations to/from an approved scope.
To request this change, you need to:
The change request will be evaluated by the ENX Team before getting approved or denied.
- Click on "Request Change" in the TISAX scope grid for the scope that you want to change.
- Select the subject of the change.
- Provided the needed information (the objective that you want to add/remove or the location that you want add/remove).
Change your company primary contact
You can now change your primary company contact on the portal user page.
The main contact is highlighted in orange and can be changed by simply selecting the option "Set as Primary Contact" on another user.
The primary contact of your company is the person who will receive all of our main communications via e-mail.
Delete Locations
You can now delete all your locations. Previously locations associated to a TISAX scope can not be deleted.
If a location is associated to one or more scope(s) you will get a warning message before deleting it.
Once a location is deleted it cannot be recovered, so be careful.
Committee page
Visit the new committee page for more information about our working groups.
Duplicate your TISAX Scope when you need to do your next assessment.
Your TISAX labels will last up to three years. If you want to renew them, you need to create a new TISAX Scope for a new assessment.
To create a new TISAX scope based on an old one you can do this as follows:
- Go to the TISAX Scope where the TISAX labels are about to expire.
- Click the button “Duplicate Scope”.
- [Automatic] A new TISAX Scope is created and opened for you.
- Verify that all the objectives that you need are in the scope (keep in mind that some TISAX objectives might have expired)
- Finish the scope registration and proceed with the assessment.
The button “Duplicate Scope” is visible only if the TISAX Scope status is active or expired and the Assessment Status is finished. It will create a new TISAX scope with the same locations and TISAX objectives of the previously assessed one (excluding the expired objectives).
Using this new functionality is not mandatory to re-assess your locations, but we suggest its use.
This functionality is accessible also directly from the TISAX scope list with the button “Duplicate Scope for new assessment” (visible only if the Assessment Status of the TISAX Scope is finished).
Company short description
In the company page you can now add a short description of your company that can be seen by other TISAX participants.